

ESM stands for ECMAScript Modules, a modern module system introduced in ES2015 that allows JavaScript code to be organized into reusable, self-contained modules. ESM is now the standard for both browser and Node.js environments, replacing older module systems like CommonJS (CJS) and AMD.


CJS stands for CommonJS, a module system used in JavaScript, particularly in server-side environments like Node.js. It was created to allow JavaScript to be used outside of the browser by providing a way to manage modules and dependencies.


UMD stands for Universal Module Definition, a pattern for writing JavaScript modules that can work universally across different environments, such as both the browser and Node.js. Its primary goal is to ensure compatibility with the most popular module systems, including AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition), CommonJS (CJS), and browser globals.


Bundleless refers to a development mode that departs from the traditional practice of bundling multiple JavaScript / TypeScript files into a single or few output files that are then served to the app. Instead, it transforms each file.

Module Federation

Module Federation is an architectural pattern for JavaScript application decomposition (similar to microservices on the server-side), allowing you to share code and resources between multiple JavaScript applications (or micro-frontends).

See Module Federation for more details.


See more glossary in Rsbuild - Glossary and Rspack - Glossary.